Aircraft Kits
3W Aerobic Kits

Roland & Wolfgang Matt

Votec 322 |
WingSpan: |
118" |
Length: |
109" |
Weight: |
36 - 38 lbs. |
Engine: |
Designed for
3W-150 |

41% Kit
(Level 1) |
$ CALL |
41% Kit
(Level 2) |
$ CALL |
41% Kit
(Level 3) |
$ CALL |
For information on
Kit Prefabrication Levels
[Click Here]
Plus Shipping & Handling.
All Prices subject to change without notice.
Prices listed are for kits currently in stock.
Orders for kits not in stock are
subject to pricing based on Euro
currency exchange rates.
Control Surfaces (Level 1 Features) |
- Balsa sheeted foam wing
- Stab and rudder sanded and
ready to be covered
- Wing and stab tube sockets installed
- Tunnel for servo leads installed in wing
- Control surfaces cut out, boxed in, leading edge beveled, and ready to be hinged
Fuselage (Level 1 Features) |
- White gel-coated fiberglass fuselage
- Wing and stab tubes installed
- Composite landing gear
- Fiberglass wheel pants
- Carbon fiber tail wheel bracket